I recently had the problem, that the mail sent by devise invitable just didn’t reach it’s destination, probably due to a spam filter. Nevertheless, that particular user needed to access the webapp. In earlier versions of rails gem devise-invitable this would not have been a big problem. Just copy the invitation_token from the database and append it to the invitation accept url:


Well with newer versions of devise, this is not working anymore (for obvious reasons) and the token stored in the database is encrypted.

The only reasonable way I found is to fire up a rais console on the server and basically resend the invitation to retrieve the raw token.

user_to_invite = User.find(email: "peter.muster@test.com")
token = user_to_invite.raw_invitation_token

What happens is that deliver_invitation will generate a new invitation token. Now we can access the raw_invitation_token, which can be used in the accept url.