Recently I had to track down some performance issues on a Typescript application I’m working on. In that application I have to loop over many items. As a ruby programmer I’m used to do stuff like:

evens = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
odds = { |n| n -1 } is available in Javascript (typescript) as well:

let evens = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
odds = n => n-1 );

But actually this is about 95% slower (in Edge) than a classic for loop. Only the Javascript engine of Firefox seems to be optimized for As this is not a problem in most cases, but if you need to iterate thousands of items, you probably should go for the classic for loop.

Side note on Ruby

In ruby, map is actually faster than using Array#each and push and even faster than a for block.